2023 Environmental. Social, and Governance Report


At Metransport, our primary goal is to see every product through to completion, leaving it with a greater net positive impact than when we started through application of certain quantifiable environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards. Conversely, through the application of actionable analytics, we work hard to minimize the negative effects of our products on the environment, helping us to make better business decisions, leading to a more resilient future.

At METransport, sustainability equals efficiency.

Environmental sustainability

attributes of METransport

products and processes.

Metransport Vehicles and Trailers:

Are designed and built on a scale that minimizes their physical size and weight, while providing maneuverability at a scale which coexists with human beings and the physical environments in which they occupy.

Are designed and constructed to have a small carbon and physical footprint which represents an environmentally economical use of materials.

As applicable, utilize much smaller batteries, which are sealed, non-vented and contain less materials to be recycled than traditional industrial vehicle batteries, and are housed in a hot-swappable battery pack. Additionally, the use of DC battery current, is carbon neutral and sustainable, with no pollution or harm to the environment. Due to their small physical size and weight, the recycling and disposal of the batteries when spent, represent a significantly smaller negative environmental impact As applicable, utilizes a brushless, permanent magnet, low voltage DC electric motor, with virtually no maintenance for its long life, in use, and greater power and torque than conventional vehicles of a larger scale.

Are designed to have a large weight and volume carrying capability with minimal use of electricity and quick recharge times, which consumes less electricity to move more cargo and personnel, more efficiently.

Are designed and built utilizing less raw materials and modular construction as a direct result of their small scale and weight, with concerted efforts during manufacturing to reuse or recycle scrap production materials.

METransport uses a hepa filtered, powder coat painting process to avoid VOC emissions.

Social and Governance

Attributes of METransport as an

Organization and Employer.

METransport is a closely held, family business with no debt. We are accountable to our customers and employees as equal stakeholders in our company. Almost equal with our initiative to build safe and quality products our customers specify, is our commitment to the health and safety of our employees in the workplace. Our management works hard to provide transparency, accountability in a non-political, gender neutral, and diverse environment. METransport management does not ask any employee to perform any task that the manager would not perform.