Test Questions for “Operator” Certification of Operation of Metransport Vehicles and Trailers

Operator Quiz

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1. Which of the following indicates the operator must plug in and charge the battery pack before operation:

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2. To power up the Metransport Vehicle for operation, along with turning the master key switch clock wise, to the “On” position, the operator must do the following before moving the vehicle:

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3. In order to correctly connect a Metransport trailer to a Metransport vehicle, before proceeding, the Operator should do the following:

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4. The maximum weight a Metransport cargo trailer can carry is:

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5. Never permit the Metransport Vehicle and/or Trailer to:

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6. When proceeding down a grade change involving an incline, either with a Trailer attached or only operating a Vehicle, the following are the best practices for negotiating an incline:

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7. If the Metransport vehicle and/or trailer is equipped with air filled tires, the operating pressure of the tires and frequency of checking tire pressure should be:

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8. The maximum weight a Metransport Vehicle can carry is:

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9. TRUE or FALSE When operating a Metransport vehicle, with or without a Metransport trailer, the operator should:

Be vigilant, constantly scanning the area in front of the vehicle, and/or trailer, to make sure the area is clear of pedestrians and obstructions, and the vehicle and trailer will “fit” through hallways and doorways ahead or behind, honking the vehicle horn before entering any blind corners or to warn pedestrians or other equipment in close proximity. Always yield right of way to pedestrians and other equipment.

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10. If, during operation, the operator safety system sounds the vehicle horn, the operator should, immediately:

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